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Shenley Brook End School

Shenley Brook End School

Enrolment process


Shenley Brook End and External Students all enrol in a similar way but at different times 


Shenley Brook End students (SBE) - 09.00am to 12.30pm 

External students - 12.30pm to 3.00pm 


  1. Log-in to Applicaa using the username and password you have used before. 
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions as you enrol. If you have applied that is great BUT you must still enrol. Enrolment is you telling the school you want to come to our Sixth Form. 
  3. You must input your actual GCSE grades. (Shenley Brook End Students, this will be done for you by the school). 
  4. You must upload proof of these grades – a results slip is fine AND ID. This will also form part of your ID for external students if you have no other form of ID.
  5. Include a picture of your results slip AND include your ULN (Unique Learner Number-it will be on your results slips if a UK student). 
  6. Update your photograph and make sure it is professional looking. 
  7. Shenley Brook End students -
    1. If you have the correct grades – you will be enrolled and you will receive an automated e-mail letting you know you have been enrolled. We will then see you on Thursday 5 September at 08.30 for an assembly. 
    2. If you do not have the correct grades, you will not be able to enrol with us. You could: 

Choose a different A level(s) to study. Be careful though – do you want to        study these for two years? Will they get you the education you need for         your chosen career? 


    1. Stay in school and have a chat with a member of the Sixth Form team
  1. External students –
    1. All external students log-in the same BUT you must also:
      1. Provide proof of who you are if you are a none-UK GCSE student E.g. passport picture as we need proof to be able to study
      2. Your exam results slip WITH your ULN – this proves you attended a UK school
    2. If you have the correct grades the Sixth Form team will wait until all enrolments have come in (this will be around 2pm usually). Once all have enrolled that have the correct grades, we will then enrol external students and you will receive an automated e-mail stating that you have been enrolled.
    3. If you DO NOT have the correct grades, you could come in from 12.30pm if you want a meeting. However, if you do not have the correct grades you cannot enrol. You could choose different A levels?
    4. We will then see you on Thursday 5 September at 08.30 for an assembly. 
    5. If we have too many external students than we have places available, we will then apply our Admissions policy. That is why we must wait a little while for external students to be fully enrolled.
    6. We would hope to get all external students enrolled by the end of the day on Thursday, but it may run into Friday 23 August.


What happens if you do not have the expected grades for your chosen subjects?

 You will NOT be able to enrol if you do not have the correct entry grades as stated in the Prospectus. We are very strict on this and cannot enter into a negotiation about grades. Check the prospectus if you are unsure.


If you need to speak to a member of the Sixth Form team about what subjects you could choose (if your grades are not correct for some subjects), you could attend a meeting with us at these times on Thursday 22 August:

  • Shenley Brook End students – 09.00am to 12.30pm – we may be able to help you as we know you so, please meet with us if you are just off the grades you need. We will contact the Team Leader to get confirmation if needed. Check the entry grades in the Prospectus on the Sixth Form website. 
  • External students – 12.30pm to 3.00pm – if you do not have the correct entry grades, we will not be able to enrol you unless you want to change to different A levels. You can change your A level entry remotely on Applicaa. If you feel you want to have a chat, we would be happy to speak to you. It will be sign posted where you need to come to.
  • All meetings are in Phase 1 – there will be a simple queueing system. Come in, take a seat, and wait to be seen.  
  • All students - we will be in school on Friday morning 09.00am to 10.30am – this is in case we have not been able to speak to you on Thursday.

We would hope to have everyone enrolled by lunchtime on Friday 23 August at the very latest.

The new term starts at 08.25 on Thursday 5 September – Sixth Form entrance.