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Shenley Brook End School

Shenley Brook End School


Welcome to the SBE Wellbeing Team.  

We are passionate about emotional wellbeing and mental health and together, we work as a team to help support our amazing students.   

Our aim as a team is to help the students learn to understand themselves and empower themselves to manage their own mental health and wellbeing.   It's also important to us that you know who the wellbeing team are and how to reach us. 

We hope over time that we will also be able to facilitate forums and conversations around mental health themes with parents/carers.  

The SBE Wellbeing Team are made up of highly trained, skilled professionals, here to support students to manage their own wellbeing and mental health. 

Our team consists of counsellors and wellbeing mentors: 

Jacqui Wheeler – School Counsellor 

Gayle Jones – School Counsellor 

Cathy Puffett – Wellbeing Mentor

Sharon Partridge-Underwood - School Counsellor 




Students and Parents/Carers can contact the wellbeing team by emailing:

If you are in crisis and need immediate support, please find a list of external agencies at the bottom of this page, under 'Links to External Services & Agencies'

In case of an emergency please contact:

Emergency Services 111/999

CAMHS 24-hour crisis line Mental Health Direct 0300 555 1000

Childline 0800 1111


SBE Counselling

Counselling is a chance to have regular sessions with one of our trained professionals. Sessions typically last for 50 minutes, and we usually offer our students a block of 6 sessions. Sessions are a chance for students to be themselves – to be able to express feelings without being judged, whilst in the company of a trained specialist who cares. 

We try to work in a way that is suited to each individual case, we're aware that opening up and talking can be really difficult. In order to support students, we offer a range of therapeutic approaches. This can include talking therapy, art-based therapy, CBT therapy or Psycho education.  

Topics that might be explored in counselling include: 

  • Bereavement and Loss 

  • Depression and Low Mood 

  • Complex Anxiety 

  • Attachment 

  • DV history, Abuse 

  • Adverse childhood experiences (ACES), 

  • Risk of self-harm  

  • Identity 

We work closely with external agencies alongside our own internal services such mentoring and pastoral, to try to ensure students have the most effective support package for their needs.  If a student is under CAMHS or seeing another counsellor/therapist, we are unable to offer counselling support due to a dual relationship and conflict of professional involvement.  

How can I access SBE Counselling? 

Students are referred for counselling by a member of staff, often from Form Tutors or Year Leaders.  A thorough assessment is first completed before the student is allocated a block of counselling.

sbe Wellbeing Mentoring

Mentoring is one of our longest-standing support services at SBE. It offers a chance to relationship-build with someone whose focus is on identifying and working through areas of your life that you would like to enhance.  

It tends to be a more goal-oriented space than counselling and the duration of sessions is typically 30 minutes, over the course of 4-6 weeks.  

Crucially, mentoring allows for students to access a space where they can share openly about any issues that they might be experiencing, personally or academically.  

Mentoring can help with: 

  • Improving self-esteem and developing social skills 

  • Communication skills 

  • Improving engagement in the classroom 

  • Building positive relationships  

  • Raising aspirations and developing resilience 

  • Low level Anxiety and worry 

How can I access mentoring? 

A student can be referred for mentoring by a member of staff, referrals often come from Form Tutors or Year Leaders. 

We offer a drop-in session.  These offer the students a safe space to be heard if they are needing support in the day. 





All Year Groups 

Year 7 


All Year Groups 

Year 8 


All Year Groups 

Year 9 


All Year Groups 

Year 10 


All Year Groups 

Year 11 and Sixth Form 

Often a student's concern or difficulty can be resolved within one or two of these self-referred sessions, but in some cases, they might lead to one of our other support pathways such as on-going mentoring, counselling or our  therapeutic groups

Group Work 

At SBE we offer group work throughout years 7-11 as well as sixth form.  Groups are run based on need.  

Groups are wellbeing focused and shorter term.  These groups help the students by teaching them coping strategies, self-care, etc. The groups we run include: 

  • Self-esteem 

  • Anxiety 

  • Friendships 

  • Relaxation 

One reason for offering groups is for our specialist mental health and wellbeing provision to reach as many students as possible; naturally groups can be efficient in doing this. 

As well as that, there is something important in creating a culture of peers supporting peers, learning to be open with one another which often leads to greater understanding of self and others 

Our groups are centred around wellbeing themes such as resilience building, self-esteem or coping with anxiety. They are safe spaces to explore difficulties, to find comfort in one another and to further develop social skills including empathy and active listening. 

Thing's students can gain from groups: 

  • Peer support from people going through similar things to you 

  • Guidance from wellbeing practitioners on issues we all face 

  • A sensitive space to share experiences 

  • A container for things that might be pre-occupying your mind so that you can re-gain focus on learning. 

For more information on our groups or to let us know you might be interested in taking part in one, speak to your Form Tutor, Year Leader or let us know directly via:

Parent Workshops & support for PARENTS STRUGGLING WiTH MENTAL HEALTH

At SBE we believe in working holistically with the students.  We want to offer support to parents too so are looking at running parent workshops throughout the year.  

More information will follow once these workshops are up and running. 

We understand that parenting isn't always easy, and can be harder when you are struggling with your own mental health - if you are struggling, please access support via your GP, and please see below 'Links to external agencies & support' including what to do in a crisis.

You can find some information here which may help - Mind - Parenting with a mental health problem


Visit or email your Wellbeing team for help and advice on self-help methods and relaxation techniques.

Contact us:  Please email us:  Other useful helpline numbers and organisations that provide free help can be found here:  SBE Guide to External Wellbeing Resources

Contact a SBE Wellbeing Mentor:



A range of support is available: 

Mental Health

Milton Keynes CAMHS

Mind BLMK – For better mental health

Childline 0800 1111 

Samaritans - you are not alone


YIS Young People's Mental Health

REFLECT (text REFLECT to 85258)

Arthur Ellis 

shout - text 85258

Milton Keynes Talking Therapies Service

The Mix - Essential support for under 25s



MK Act

Safeline - believe in you



Swicthboard LGBT+ helpline 

Stonewall Youth

Housing Support & Advice 


Shelter MK 

DEPAUL - Homelessness has no place




Bereavement support

hope again 

MKBS Milton Keynes bereavement service 



 Manage you anxiety, relax and be mindful using this free, evidence based anxiety management app

Smiling Mind
