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Shenley Brook End School

Shenley Brook End School


The following Safeguarding issues are all considered to be child protection issues and should be referred immediately to the most relevant agency. 

Please refer to the SBE Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy for more details.

The issues featured below are linked to guidance and local procedures which can be found on the Milton Keynes Safeguarding Board website at: MKSCB

CHILD on CHILD abuse 

Child on child abuse is when children abuse other children, this type of abuse can take place inside and outside of school, and online.  It is most likely to include but is not limited to :

  • Bullying (including cyber-bullying, prejudice-based and discriminatory bullying) Abuse in intimate personal relationships between peers
  • Physical abuse such as hitting, kicking, shaking, biting, hair pulling, or otherwise causing physical harm (this may include an online element which facilitates, threatens and/or encourages physical abuse)
  • Sexual harassment, such as sexual comments, remarks, jokes and online sexual harassment, which may be standalone or part of a broader pattern of abuse
  • Sexual violence, such as rape, assault by penetration and sexual assault (this may include an online element which facilitates, threatens and/or encourages sexual violence)
  • Causing someone to engage in sexual activity without consent, such as forcing someone to strip, touch themselves sexually, or to engage in sexual activity with a third party
  • Consensual and non-consensual sharing of nudes and semi nudes images and/or videos (also known as sexting or youth produced sexual imagery)
  • Upskirting, which typically involves taking a picture under a person’s clothing without their permission, with the intention of viewing their genitals or buttocks to obtain sexual gratification, or cause the victim humiliation, distress or alarm
  • Initiation/hazing type violence and rituals (this could include activities involving harassment, abuse or humiliation used as a way of initiating a person into a group and may also include an online element)
  • Where children abuse their peers online, this may take the form of abusive, harassing, and misogynistic messages; the non-consensual sharing of indecent images, especially around chat groups; and the sharing of abusive images and pornography, to those who don't want to receive such content.

The schools approach to dealing with child on child abuse can be found in more detail on our policies and procedures page: Shenley Brook End School - Policies and Procedures (

Teenage relationship abuse - DOMESTIC ABUSE 

Young people can experience Domestic Abuse within their own intimate relationships, this form of peer on peer abuse is sometimes referred to as teenage relationship abuse. Depending on the age of the young person, this may not be recognised in law under the statutory definition of Domestic Abuse (if one or both parties are under the age of 16). However, as with any child under 18, where there are concerns about safety or welfare, child safeguarding procedures will be followed and both victims and perpetrators will be offered support.  

Sexual respect - sexual harassment and sexual violence between children in school 

Sexual harassment and sexual violence can occur between two children of any age and any sex. It can also occur through a group of children sexually harassing or sexually assaulting a single child or group of children. 

Children who are victims of sexual violence and sexual harassment will likely find the experience stressful and distressing. This will, in all likelihood, adversely affect their educational attainment. Sexual violence and sexual harassment exist on a continuum and may overlap, they can occur online and offline (both physical and verbal) and are never acceptable. It is important that all victims are taken seriously and offered appropriate support. Staff are aware that some groups of children are potentially more at risk. Evidence shows girls with SEND and children who identify as LGBQT+, are at greater risk. 

Our whole school approach to sexual harassment and sexual violence can be found in our Sexual Respect policy document here: 5D Sexual Respect Policy 


Typically, involves taking a photograph under a persons clothing, without their permission, with the intention of viewing their genitals or buttocks to obtain sexual gratification, or cause the victim humiliation, distress or alarm.  

The schools approach to dealing with Upskirting issues can be found in our Policies and Procedures

Child to parent Abuse 

Child to Parent Abuse is complex and misunderstood. The parent support charity, Parent Educational Growth Support (PEGS), says this is partly because it has historically been largely ignored in favour of a focus on intimate partner abuse, partly because it is drastically under-reported, and partly because there are lots of misconceptions around the subject.

Some parents may not recognise what is happening to them as abuse – but the behaviours they are experiencing are abuse, and they are not okay.

Child to Parent abuse can take many forms including, physical abuse, emotional and psychological abuse, financial abuse and sexual abuse. This can also extend to the rest of the household, including siblings and pets. Their behaviour makes the parent feel fearful, scared or forces them to change the way they parent because they are scared of another incident. 

Find out more information on the PEGS' website here:

Child exploitation

Is child abuse where children and young people are manipulated coerced into committing crimes:  

We recognise that identifying, tackling and preventing the exploitation of children is a complex task that requires a coordinated collaborated approach through partnership working in conjunction with the victim/survivor, their family, and the community.  

Please click here for detailed information


Criminal exploitation is strongly associated with county lines but can also include children being forced to work, cannabis factories, being cohered into moving drugs or money across the country, forced to commit financial fraud and forced to shop lift or pick pocket.  



Criminal exploitation of children is a geographically widespread form of harm that is a typical feature of county lines criminal activity: drug networks or gangs groom and exploit children and young people to carry drugs and money from urban areas to suburban and rural areas, market and seaside towns. Key to identifying potential involvement in county lines are missing episodes, when the victim may have been trafficked for the purpose of transporting drugs and a referral to the National Referral Mechanism should be considered. Like other forms of abuse and exploitation, county lines exploitation: 

  • can affect any child or young person (male or female) under the age of 18 years; 

  • can affect any vulnerable adult over the age of 18 years; 

  • can still be exploitation even if the activity appears consensual; 

  • can involve force and/or enticement-based methods of compliance and is often accompanied by violence or threats of violence; 

  • can be perpetrated by individuals or groups, males or females, and young people or adults; and 

  • is typified by some form of power imbalance in favour of those perpetrating the exploitation. 

Whilst age may be the most obvious, this power imbalance can also be due to a range of other factors including gender, cognitive ability, physical strength, status, and access to economic or other resources. 

We work in partnership with Thames Valley Police and children's social care and other agencies to identify young people who may be at risk of exploitation.  

In MK where there are concerns regarding exploitation we complete the child exploitation indicator tool – which is submitted to the multi-agency missing and exploitation hub who will assess the level of risk to children. Where there are significant child exploitation concerns a plan may be developed and monitored by the strategic exploitation panel.

If you suspect anyone is in immediate danger- please call the police on 999.  


Child trafficking involves moving children across or within national or international borders for the purposes of exploitation. Exploitation includes children being used for sex work, domestic work, restaurant/ sweatshop, drug dealing, shoplifting and benefit fraud. Where Shenley Brook End school is made aware of a child is suspected of or is being trafficked/exploited, we will report our concerns to the appropriate agency.

More information can be accessed here.

child sexual exploitation

Children sexual exploitation is a form of abuse where an individual or group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, manipulate or deceive a child into sexual activity in exchange for something the victim needs or wants and/or for the financial advantage or increased status of the perpetrator or facilities. It may, or may not, be accompanied by violence or threats of violence. For further information please click here: Child Sexual Exploitation & How to Keep Your Child Safe | NSPCC 

online safety

Children and young people can be exploited and suffer bullying through their use of modern technology such as the Internet, mobile phones and social networking sites. In order to minimise the risks to our children and young people, Shenley Brook End school will ensure that we have in place appropriate measures such as security filtering (Smoothwall), and an acceptable use policy linked to our Online Safety policy. We will ensure that staff are aware of how not to compromise their position of trust in or outside of the school and are aware of the dangers associated with social networking sites. Where it is suspected that a child is at risk from Internet abuse, cybercrime or cyberbullying we will report our concerns to the appropriate agency. 

For further information please refer to our Online safety policy, which can be found here:  Online Safety Policy

Useful guidance for parents/carers and students: Keeping their activities safe  

children missing education

Children are best protected by regularly attending school where they will be safe from harm and where there are professionals to monitor their wellbeing. All children, regardless of their circumstances, are entitled to a full-time education which is suitable to their age, ability, aptitude, and any special educational needs they may have. Local authorities have a duty to establish, as far as it is possible to do so, the identity of children of compulsory school age who are missing education in their area. 

At Shenley Brook End school, we will encourage full attendance for all our children at school. Where we have concerns that a child is missing education because of suspected abuse, we will liaise with the appropriate agency including the Education Attendance Service to effectively manage the risks and to prevent abuse from taking place. 

A child going missing from education is a potential indicator of abuse or neglect. School will follow the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and follow local procedures for dealing with children that go missing from education, particularly on repeat occasions, to help identify the risk of abuse and neglect, including criminal and sexual exploitation, and to help prevent the risks of their going missing in future. 

Staff receive regular continual professional development to enable them to identify children at risk.  


An important part of the school's role in educating young people in relation to healthy relationships and sex education includes working in partnership with external agencies – we work with iCaSH who provide sexual health information and services to young people across MK in and out of school settings. They provide a confidential, in school service for students (Year 10-13) to discuss worries concerning their sexual health and relationship issues, as well as providing contraception and sexual health screening. iCaSH will encourage students to talk to their parents/carers about the service they have received however as this is a confidential service, parents will not be notified unless the young person gives consent.  


Being homeless or being at risk of becoming homeless presents a real risk to a child’s welfare. The designated safeguarding lead (and any deputies) should be aware of contact details and referral routes in to the Local Housing Authority so they can raise/progress concerns at the earliest opportunity. Indicators that a family may be at risk of homelessness include household debt, rent arrears, domestic abuse and anti-social behaviour, as well as the family being asked to leave a property. Whilst referrals and or discussion with the Local Housing Authority should be progressed as appropriate, this does not, and should not, replace a referral into children’s social care where a child has been harmed or is at risk of harm.  

We will support young people aged over 16, to access support through children's social care which will enable them to stay at home and to discuss what other options may be available to them.  

For information on external support available - please click here 

honour based violence

'Honour-based’ violence (HBV) encompasses incidents or crimes which have been committed to protect or defend the honour of the family and/or the community, including female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriage, and practices such as breast ironing. Abuse committed in the context of preserving “honour” often involves a wider network of family or community pressure and can include multiple perpetrators. It is important to be aware of this dynamic and additional risk factors when deciding what form of safeguarding action to take. All forms of HBV are abuse (regardless of the motivation) and should be handled and escalated as such. It is important to be alert to signs of distress and indications such as self-harm, absence from the school and truancy, infections resulting from female genital mutilation, isolation from peers, being monitored by family, not participating in school activities and unreasonable restrictions at home. Where it is suspected that a child/young person is at risk form Honour based violence, Shenley Brook End school will report those concerns to the appropriate agency in order to prevent this form of abuse taking place. 

Some members of our communities hold beliefs that may be common within particular cultures but which are against the law of England. Milton Keynes Safeguarding Partnership does not condone practices that are illegal and which are harmful to children. Examples of particular practices are: 

-Domestic abuse 

-Theft (eg passport) 

-False imprisonment 


-Child abduction 


FGM comprised all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.  

FGM is covered under the serious crime act 2003, and it's also covered under the serious Crime act of 2015.  Under the 2003 act it is an offence for any person in England, Wales or Northern Ireland to perform FGM or to assist a girl to carry out FGM on herself, it is also an offence to assist a non UK national to carry out FGM outside the UK, on a UK National or permanent UK resident.  

FGM is illegal in the UK and a form of child abuse with long lasting harmful consequences. It may also be known as female genital cutting, circumcision or initiation. Any teacher who is either informed by a girl under 18 that an act of FGM has been carried out on her or observes physical signs, which appear to show that an act of FGM has been carried out in a girl under 18 must immediately report this to the police, personally, as this is a mandatory statutory duty.  

If you are concerned about a child please contact the police on 101.  

More information can be found below: 

Citizens Advice - FGM

Daughters of Eve


Ritualistic abuse 

Some faiths believe that spirits and demons can possess people (including children). What should never be considered is the use of any physical or psychological violence to get rid of the possessing spirit. This is abusive and will result in the criminal conviction of those using this form of abuse even if the intention is to help the child. 

Marriage & civil partnerships for under 18's

The Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum age) Act 2022 is in effect from Monday 27th February 2023.  The Act has raised the minimum age of marriage and civil partnership to 18 in England and Wales to protect children from forced marriage.  It is now a criminal offence to cause a child under the age of 18 to enter a marriage or civil partnership in any circumstances, this includes ceremonies of marriage in community or traditional settings which are not legally binding. 

Further information can be found here Implementation of the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 - GOV.UK (

Forcing someone into marriage is a crime. A forced marriage is one entered into without the full and free consent of one or both parties and where violence, threats, or any other form of coercion is used to cause a person to enter into a marriage. Threats can be physical or emotional and psychological. Staff receive training around forced marriage and the presenting symptoms.  

For further information regarding forced marriage please contact forced marriage unit on 0207 0080151 or  

Domestic Abuse - Adults

The Government defines domestic abuse as “The definition captures a range of different abusive behaviours including physical, emotional, and economic abuse, and coercive controlling behaviours”. Types of domestic abuse include intimate partner violence abuse by family members, teenage relationship abuse (see child on child abuse above) and child/ adolescent to parent violence and abuse. Anyone can be a victim of domestic abuse, regardless of sexually identity, age, ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexuality, or background. Domestic abuse can take place, inside or outside the home.  

At Shenley Brook End school, we will follow our safeguarding policy and report any suspected concerns regarding Domestic Abuse to the relevant agency. If you need further advice or support, please click here - MK ACT  

The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 - All children can witness and be adversely affected by domestic abuse in the context of their home life where domestic abuse occurs between family members. Experience of domestic abuse and/or violence can have a serious long-lasting emotional and psychological impact on children. 


The main aim of prevent is to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. At the heart of prevent is safeguarding children and adults and providing early intervention to protect and divert people away from being drawn into terrorist activity. Prevent addresses all forms of terrorism but continues to ensure resources and effort are allocated on the basis of threats to our national security.  We work in partnership with Thames Valley Police.

As a school we have a duty to prevent children being drawn into terrorism, staff receive regular continued professional development to enable them to identify students at risk.  

Where there are concerns, we will refer onto our local prevent team using the Prevent National referral process.  


Prevent defines extremism as vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values including democracy the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of difference faiths and beliefs. This also includes calling for the death of members of the armed forces.


Radicalisation is defined by the UK Government as the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups.  


Is an action that: 

  • Endangers or causes serious violence to a person/people 
  • Causes serious damage to property or  
  • Seriously interferes or disrupts an electronic system. 

private fostering

Private fostering is an arrangement made between the parent and the private foster carer, who then becomes responsible for caring for the child in such a way as to safeguard and promote his/her welfare. 

A privately fostered child means a child under the age of 16 (18 if a SEND Child) who is cared for and provided with accommodation by someone other than: 

  • a parent 
  • a person who is not a parent but has parental responsibility 
  • a close relative 
  • a Local Authority 

for more than 28 days and where the care is intended to continue. It is a statutory duty for us at Shenley Brook End school to inform the Local Authority where we are made aware of a child or young person who may be subject to private fostering arrangements. 



It is a requirement for all agencies to ensure that all staff recruited to work with children and young people are properly selected and checked. At Shenley Brook End school, we will ensure that we have a member on every recruitment panel who has received the appropriate recruitment and selection training, that all of our staff are appropriately qualified and have the relevant employment history checks to ensure they are safe to work with children in compliance with the Key Safeguarding Employment Standards. All our staff are required to complete an annual DBS self-declaration.