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Shenley Brook End School

Shenley Brook End School

year 12 enrolment 2020/21

Please complete all details on this form carefully and ensure you upload a copy of your GCSE results.

Please ensure you have consulted the entry requirements available in the prospectus.

Proposed courses

Please select from the lists below the three subjects you wish to study at A Level for the two years you will be with us.

You can also choose to study EPQ or Mathematical studies alongside your A Levels during Year 12.

Block A - Select one of the following
Block B - Select one of the following
Block C - Select one of the following
Block D - Select one of the following
No file chosen

Personal Details

No file chosen

Parent/Guardian Details

Contact 1*
 TitleFirst NameSurnameRelationship to Student
Address Details*
 House Number or NameStreetAddress 2TownPostcode
Contact details*
 Home TelWork TelMobile TelephoneEmail
Does this person have legal parental responsibility?*
Contact 2*
 TitleFirst NameSurnameRelationship to student
Address Details*
 House Number or NameStreetAddress 2TownPostcode
Contact details*
 Home TelWork TelMobile TelEmail
Does this person have legal parental responsibility?*

Data Collection Information

Please complete all sections

Do you have any special education needs?*
Is English your first lanaguage?*

This question about first language is not related to whether you speak English well. Your first language is the language you were first exposed to at the ages 0 to 5 in the home or in the community and which you either still speak or hear at home or in the community.

Have you had any special arrangements for exams*
Have you received Free School Meals in the last three years*

Medical Details

Destination after Sixth Form

After Sixth Form what are your intentions:*